Flowering Stump
by Shane Bechler
Flowering Stump
Shane Bechler
Photograph - Digital Photography
This flower, known as the Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, is growing up through a burned up tree stump. This was taken in Roosevelt National Park in Colorado. The old burned up stump had a lot of character, colors, and textures and this plant contrasted nicely against it.
February 11th, 2014
Comments (2)
Jeannie Rhode Photography
Dana, Sharing my Congratulations on your recent Feature in Wisconsin Flower and Scenery !
Randy Rosenberger
A wonderful composition and I love the elements that make up thus unique shot! It is a true honor to bestow upon you the special recognition, of being Featured on our homepage, due to the professional quality, creativity, and pure beauty of this fine piece of art work. As administrator of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group, I am proud of you for this accomplishment. I Liked and Faved. R.B. Rosenberger (admin. of the WFS group)